dit is Amerika 2

deel 34 van Jenna's verhaal
De Ethiopische taxichauffeur zegt dat hij op maandag en dinsdag slaapt. Hij heeft een dochtertje.
Zie je haar dan nog wel?
Ja, ze gaat om negen uur naar bed.
Later dan jij? Dat is raar.
Het is een kind. She has no responsibility. She doesn’t know. Sometimes she takes me by the nose like that while I am asleep.
So you come home.. you eat..
No I ate already.
You come home... You talk to your wife..
No no. No talking. Sleep, lacht de taxichauffeur.
Why did you come to Amerika?
It was not safe for me in Ethiopia.
What did you do?
I didn’t do anything.
Why were you persecuted?
My father was in jail.
Why was your father in jail. What did he do?
He didn’t do anything. He was from the wrong tribe.
Was it difficult to come to Amerika?
Not at the time. I was being persecuted. So they let me in the country. It was better and now it is bad again.
Your father, he is in Amerika?
No he is much to old. You can't bring him here. This country is for young people. What can he do here? 
You want to stay in your own country with your own customs and traditions.
Is he still in jail?
No, they helped me here in Amerika to get him out of jail. That's good that they help you.
I have it better here than in Ethiopia.
You have to work two jobs.
Amerika is an working country. You have to work here. So were are you from?
Holland. The Netherlands. I wanted to see Bush, but he is in China.
What do you need Bush for? He better stay away.
What good has he done for the country. Name me one thing. He is panicking. He doesn’t know how to get out of the war. People are fed up with the war in Iraq. He doesn’t know how to end it.
Does he want to end it? Is it about oil?
Yes, sure, economic reasons. But people are fed up. He has said three to four months. It's still going on. What do you need Bush for? He better stay away.
What good has he done for the country. Name me one thing. Name me one good thing he has done.
He is a good catholic.
Born again Christian, corrigeert Jenna me vanaf de achterbank.
Yeah, that's religion. That has nothing to do with politics.
I am Moslem, but both religions are the same. We recognise Jesus. We are not that different.
But the radical believers they are both the same. Where was Jesus born?
In Bethlehem.
And that is where?
Ueuh in Israel?
No, in Palestine.
Sorry. That was a trick question.
You believe Jesus died for the sins of all people. We believe he is a spirit. Jesus is one of the profets.
Yes, we are not that different.

Where did you meet your wife? In Amerika?
In the gym.
How is an Ethiopian wedding like? Does the bride wear a white dress?
Yes that's the same.
And rings?
Yes but the guests come a week early.
To party?
Yes they stay and chat and eat and the woman sing traditional songs and the man dans.
And drink?
Yes we drink an eggdrink. It's made with honey. You let it stay very long and then the alcohol comes. 
And all the guest stay at your house?
Yes, but most of them have not so big house.
And then they lay all over the place?
Yes, some just fall down and sleep.
Is the ceremony in a church?
No a church is for the catholic.
Yes, sorry.
It's not in the mosque. It is at home. Three old man perform the ceremony. They say all nice things about the couple and then they are married.
Do you have to say I do?
Yes it's the same. The day after there is a small ceremony in traditional clothes. That's when you open the presents. And you write the names down.
And then they go home.
Yes, then you can send them home.
23 augustus 2006
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